Список электронных полнотекстовых журналов издательства Oxford University Press
1. American Law and Economics Review
2. The British Journal of Criminology
3.Capital Markets Law Journal
4.Chinese Journal of International Law
5.European Journal of International Law
6.Human Rights Law Review
7.Industrial Law Journal
8.International and Comparative Law Quarterly
9.International Journal of Constitutional Law
10.International Journal of Law and Information Technology
11.International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family
12.International Journal of Refugee Law
13.Journal of Competition Law and Economics
14.Journal of Conflict and Security Law
15.Journal of Environmental Law
16.Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice
17.Journal of International Criminal Justice
18.Journal of International Economic Law
19.The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization
20.Law, Probability and Risk
21.Medical Law Review
22.Oxford Journal of Legal Studies
23.Statute Law Review